Helping Create Global Citizens
Although the world is at our fingertips through today’s media accessibility, that doesn’t automatically translate to an accurate or insightful understanding of the world. Oxfam defines a global citizen as “someone who is aware of and understands the wider world – and their place in it. They take an active role in their community, and work with others to make our planet more equal, fair and sustainable.” We want to help you to present world water information, discuss the implications of that, and challenge students to be instruments of positive change.
SEE statistics
Students learn that over 774 million people still lack access to clean water. UNICEF reports that women and girls spend 200,000 hours collecting water every day.
EXPLORE meaning
What does it mean to spend 5 hours of your day collecting water? It probably means you don't go to school.
Students get the opportunity to feel the weight of water and what a difficult task it is.
APPRECIATE our access
How hard do you have to work to get safe clean drinking water?

We can join your class. Can you join us?
We Come To You!
Our sessions are approximately one hour long and are suitable for either classrooms or assemblies. The content will be matched for suitability to age and class focus. There is no cost for us to come, only a commitment to run some type of fund raiser following the presentation. Hopefully soon we will be able to resume in-person presentations!
Books and videos
On your own.
Since we are unable to come to classrooms now due to Covid, we want to provide you with some tools for your classroom. We have provided our top book suggestions and video links for your reference below. Check out other resources on the World Water Day and World Toilet Day pages.
Contact us to see how else we can help you.