Thon Nyon Village
(South Sudan)
Thon Nyon Village is located in Aweil East State. The population of the village is approximately 1150 people. The village does not have a borehole and the residents rely on shallow ponds and rivers for water to use in their homes. The women and young girls are mostly responsible for fetching water for their respective households.
- Current distance of next water source:
- The women and young girls usually walk for about 4 hours daily to get a higher quality water than what you see here. Although this water source is very close it will only last until it dries out, and obviously this water source will bring about a lot of other negative issues to this village.
- Current health issues of Thon Nyon Village:
- The water from these sources is usually very contaminated and is the main cause of cholera, typhoid and bilharzia that affect the village.

Dieer Village
(South Sudan)
Dieer Village is located in Aweil East State and has a population of about 1050 residents. The village does not have a borehole and the residents rely on shallow ponds and rivers for water to use in their homes.
- Current distance of the next water source:
- Girls and women who have the responsibility of fetching water for household have to walk for about 2.5 – 3 hours daily to get water to their homes. Although sometimes there are closer contaminated water sources similar to the picture you see above.
- Current health issues of Dieer Village:
- The water from these sources is very dirty is the main cause of cholera, typhoid and bilharzia.

Akokic Village
(South Sudan)
Akokic Village is located in Aweil East State and has a population of about 1200 residents. The village does not have a borehole and the residents rely on shallow ponds and rivers for water to use in their homes.
- Current distance of next water source:
- Girls and women who have the responsibility of fetching water for household have to walk for about 4 hours daily to get water to their homes.
- Current health issues of Akokic Village:
- The water from these sources is very dirty is the main cause of cholera, typhoid and bilharzia that affect the village.